Mary Sue, Sweet Darkness, Mystic Enchantress… or WTF Ever! ***

***Names changed to protect the innocent


If you’ve ever heard the term “Mary Sue” then you probably know what I’m talking about.   In fact, Mary Sue is soooo famous, there are quite a few websites and blogs dedicated to her, and I’m sure she’s sucking that up!

But if you wonder, check it out here:

Common Mary Sue Traits

or maybe this:

Urban Dictionary:  Mary Sue

You back yet?

Okay!  I want to say that first and foremost I am guilty of having created Mary Sue characters.  In the days when text rp on the internet was kinda young we all thought we were being original.  Maybe back then we were, sorta.  But as time goes by, and you realize that everyone on your ship *coughs* nerd *coughs*, including you, graduated top in their class, are ace pilots and dead-eyes with a phaser… well you also realize you are NOT that original.

I can also say that I am becoming a stereotypical ANTI-Mary Sue, which probably makes me a “Mary Sue” in itself.   But that’s okay, Mary Sue is like Barbie.  Doctor Mary Sue, Gang Member Mary Sue, Emo Mary Sue, Half-Elf-Half-Dragon-Half-Human Mary Sue (it works in Mary Sue math), so I’m gonna be Anti Mary Sue Mary Sue.

I find myself going out of my way to not be perfect, to not be tragic, to not be super-educated.  I also get how this whole “Mary Sue” syndrome and the fear of it has made some authors/writers/RP’rs  feel restricted, to be afraid to create a character and have it wind up being a Mary Sue.  But what do we do?  Maybe pick out one thing and make that our uber-trait, and make everything else normal?  My other rants have also touched on the “Mary Sue” concept.  It seems most of these things stem from wanting to be such a “great” character, super-bad, super model, Ninja Doctor.  So maybe, just maybe, it’s all things “Mary Sue” that piss me off–especially the fact that in my attempt to NOT be Mary Sue, I am now a NEW kind of Mary Sue.

But there is one type of  ‘Mary Sue” that has me here today.  That Innocent Slut Mary Sue.

AND… before you jump all over my Phat Azz, I want to say a few things.  YES my avatar wears LOLA’s.  YES, she wears PINK.  YES her dresses are short and her heels are high and her hair bleach-blonde, and ya know what?  I even dig the DDBG scene a bit.  But I’m not an Innocent Slut Mary Sue.  Nope, I’m claiming my full on SL Slutdom.  Does it make me better?  I don’t think so.  And I’m not even sure why this type of Mary Sue annoys me so much.  Maybe its that borderline implied age-play thing.  Maybe I like a bit of realism and plausibility in my RP and I just don’t think its possible that someone with that mindset could make it from their house to the nearest bus stop.  I’m not sure we can pin point that one.  But it does.  And this is the type of crap that this page is for.  To rant, to get it off my chest so I can smile when I get on SL and not bore my friends to death in IM’s with “OMG CHECK OUT THIS SHIT” and I can concentrate on RP and on looking for more crap to rant about, and so that other annoyed sl’rs out there know they are not alone in their bitchiness.  I’m here for you.

So.. back to Innocent Slut Mary Sue.

You know the type!  First off  she’s got the cutest most fantastic names.  Hugglebeary, Lolly GurlPurpleGlitter Resident,  etc.  She almost… almost… looks 15.  We don’t know because she’s got huge knockers!  If asked, of course she doesn’t want to be accused of age-play and its never her intention to age-play, so she’ll say she’s 18.  She wears the most cutesy things too, all that Kawaii stuff and cupcakes and teddy bears.  Now calm down, not ALL Kawaii/Cupcake lovers are Innocent Slut Mary Sue.  Read On.

There is another sort.  This one looks of legal age, and her name is Sweet InnocenceInnocent Enchantress, or something like that, but despite her claims to innocence she is dressed like a ho… boobs out to there, a dress that shows her crotch and lips like an oily, pink, bathroom plunger.  Poor thing, seems the only part of her brain that developed properly is the one that picks out the shortest dress, the tallest heels, and the best shade of pink glitter lipgloss.   This second one will bow out of RP around other women, and its a good thing, because most other women want to walk up to her, pixel-bitch slap her and tell her to get grip on herself.  But when a man approaches her she’s all sweet melted butter, and despite her age and the fact that she LOOKS like she just walked off the set of a raunchy reggeaton video, claims not to know what a cock is or how its used.





If you ask me, their names should be “Annoying Amentia” or “MentallyDelayed Resident” .  How’s that for SL avi names?  I’m sure that someone who thinks they are bad ass and wants to be original already has them.

Thing about these girls?  They are never where “innocent” girls should be–like the damned library or at church.   You find them in dark alleys, in clubs where no bouncer would ever let them in in the first place.  Or they just so HAPPEN to stumble into an establishment and realize once inside that gawd… its a titty bar!  You watch them become so flustered (apparently their innocent victim demeanor keeps them from reading the huge neon LIVE NUDES XXX sign outside).  When finally cornered by some big guy with their muscle sliders up to 100 they are so fluttery, so embarrassed to be in such a place, because oh my she is so scatter brained… when all of the sudden… bam.. she’s got a cock in her mouth.


I thought she was innocent?  She is!  If you can stomach it, stick around to hear the RP, if nothing then just for comic relief.  She’s wide-eyed and mesmerized by this piece of flesh that is waving in front of her nose.  Can she touch it? Of course she can! Oh and she just WONDERS what it tastes like! Can she taste it?  Sure!  Of course, usually the guy rp’ing with this girl isn’t stellar either.  The poor thing needs instruction and guidance and protection, and who better to give it to her than him?

So, let me say this to all the Innocent Slut Victims out there:

I don’t hate you because you are pretty, and I know its what you are thinking.   I don’t even think that any of those women you snubbed for RP because they aren’t big strong macho avis hate you either.



One thought on “Mary Sue, Sweet Darkness, Mystic Enchantress… or WTF Ever! ***

  1. Pingback: Douchebags! | Kaliope Karas - Just a little jaded!

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